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Are you an experienced developer of single-player games that plans to make your first multiplayer project in Unity? Then be sure to check out our new technical e-book for multiplayer networking, which is now available to download.We made this all-new guide with a twofold aim: First, to provide you with a foundational, detailed explanation of the core concepts in multiplayer networking. Second, to guide you on how to use Unity networking and multiplayer features by walking you through a sample multiplayer project based on Netcode for GameObjects.If you’re just getting started on your multiplayer developer journey you’ll find helpful tips on what common pitfalls to avoid and how to choose the multiplayer solutions that will work best for your project. You’ll also get a handy overview of the many Unity networking samples to explore as your next steps. Ultimately, we want you to be able to start prototyping and developing your own multiplayer game features as efficiently as possible.This guide assumes you are familiar with Unity and C# development but new to or just getting started with networking.It might feel a bit daunting to get started with multiplayer development but the journey becomes easier if you first gain an understanding of the core networking concepts.We kick off the guide by explaining the simplest parts in networking architecture, like the role of clients and servers and how they communicate by exchanging data packets using standard Internet protocols like UDP (User Datagram Protocol). You’ll learn about what ticks, updates, and latency are. There’s an introduction to techniques for network synchronization like state synchronization, remote procedure calls (RPCs), and bandwidth management. You’ll find explanations of the different network topology models, which define how devices are connected and communicate in a multiplayer environment. Topologies can impact the game's architecture, performance, and the overall player experience. Choosing one for your game depends on what type of game it is, the desired level of control over the game state, and the resources available for server infrastructure. Thus, the guide will help inform you on what factors to consider so you can make the right choice.You can follow along in the guide with a workflow for your networking projects that focuses on local testing, simulating network conditions, managing client-connection, debugging tools, and using a command line helper.We also look at the reasons why network synchronization is essential for maintaining a consistent – and fair – gaming experience for all players. You’ll learn how to set up client-server communication for gameplay actions, where the player may interact with part of the game environment. This involves implementing networked game states and sending remote procedure calls (RPCs) to and from the server. Some of the additional concepts covered in the guide include: RPCs versus NetworkVariablesDesigning for multiplayerNetwork latency and performanceSimulating latencyUnity Transport Debug SimulatorClient-side interpolationClient-side prediction and anticipationWhy server authorityHow client-side prediction worksReconciliation and rollbackClient-side anticipation in Netcode for GameObjectsDeterministic physicsClient-side prediction in Netcode for EntitiesFinally, we introduce you to Unity’s multiplayer development tools and solutions: The Netcode for GameObjects and Netcode for Entities frameworks, services like Game Server Hosting (Multiplay), Relay, and Vivox for voice and text chat, and more. This also includes an introduction to Unity 6 features for multiplayer games that make integration, iteration, and deployment more reliable and faster than ever.We put theory into action in the e-book by providing a practical, hands-on example for how to set up and create your first Unity Netcode for GameObjects project. The example is a simple sample project that uses assets from the Starter Assets – ThirdPerson package. This simulates 3D gameplay with a humanoid character using the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). It includes a small testing playground scene and a configurable third-person controller. If you follow along with the example, you’ll get familiar with concepts such as:Installing Netcode for GameObjectsAdding the NetworkManagerNetworkObjectsPlayer NetworkObjectsCreating a Player NetworkObjectMultiplayer Play ModeCreating your own UI start buttonsAdding NetworkBehaviourAuthority and ownership propertiesSync using a NetworkTransform and NetworkAnimatorApplying client authorityOwner authoritative mode componentsSyncing with server authoritySingleton design patternAlongside the e-book you can also watch this new tutorial that covers the key steps in setting up a multiplayer game with Netcode for GameObjects:The e-book concludes with a detailed overview of Unity’s latest sample projects which you might want to check out as the next step in your learning journey. The samples are designed to help you get started with Netcode for GameObjects and Netcode for Entities. These include the new VR Multiplayer template, updated Learn tutorials, the Bitesize Samples repository, ECS Netcode samples and the Megacity Metro sample.We hope the new multiplayer e-book and additional sample resources will help you get started efficiently with multiplayer game development in Unity 6. If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them to this Discussions article. Finally, make sure to check out some of the other latest Unity resources at unity.com/how-to.

원문출처 : https://unity.com/blog/multiplayer-networking-ebook
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