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It’s not uncommon for teammates in a game development studio to have varying levels of experience with using a version control system. An artist might tap their programmer colleague on the shoulder when they need to push or commit a change to the main repository because they’re unfamiliar with the software. We also hear stories of how game development assets like expensive 3D models are spread across multiple servers or even hosted in a Dropbox, with no easy way to categorize and search for them.DevOps, and particularly version control, can be a daunting topic for game creators who haven’t used such tools before. But it doesn’t need to be that way. There are numerous tools that you can use with Unity – both third-party options and Unity’s own solutions – to help your team work effectively with versioning, manage your builds, and keep track of your assets.Our updated Unity 6 e-book on version control and best practices for project organization can help you and your team get started with choosing the right solution for your game development. This new edition provides know-how for the latest workflows in Unity Version Control and DevOps solutions, making it a significant update to the original version control e-book released in 2022.You’ll get close to 100 pages of generally recommended practices and tips and tricks. Alongside the e-book, you can also view three new video tutorials on Unity Version Control, Unity Build Automation, and Unity Asset Manager.We aimed to provide a broad and balanced view in this guide because we believe it’s valuable to our users. You’ll find plenty of tips that are agnostic to whichever version control system you prefer to use. It starts with an explanation of the key concepts of version control. There’s a handy section comparing popular version control solutions compatible with Unity, and a dedicated section on Unity Version Control (UVCS), which guides you through setting up UVCS for your project and how to use its key features.This Unity 6 version of the e-book includes new sections about Unity Asset Manager and Unity Build Automation. Finally, you’ll find tips to help ensure team collaboration is smooth and efficient through the different cycles of the development process, and as your project grows and you add more users.With integration directly in the Unity Editor, it’s now easier than ever to enable and use UVCS, particularly for users with a non-programming background who prefer working with visual interfaces.An in-depth video tutorial accompanies the e-book, providing a solid introduction to UVCS, and showing you how to set up your own repository, invite collaborators, and check in changes.In the tutorial, we also explore branching strategies, how to handle conflicts, set up merge rules, lock files, and much more. If you are new to Unity Version Control, this is a great way to get an overview in 20 minutes before diving into the full e-book.Unity Build Automation automates the process of creating builds of your game for multiple platforms, allowing you to streamline the development workflow by continuously integrating and deploying updates with minimal manual intervention.In this new tutorial we show you how to streamline your workflow to build for multiple platforms and move your local build pipeline to the Unity Cloud to automate builds.The Unity Asset Manager makes it easy to keep track of all your 3D digital assets, including managing and transforming the data. It offers a central and secure place to find and store the assets you create and collaborate using your favorite tools.Asset Manager supports a wide range of asset types, including 3D models, textures, materials, prefabs, sound files, and more. In this video, we show you how to get started with the Asset Manager, edit your assets, and use search filters.We hope these resources will help you as you scale up your team and game development with Unity 6.

원문출처 : https://unity.com/blog/complete-guide-version-control-devops-unity-6
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